Install Tutorial
1. Download and Install Raspberry Pi Imager
- Go to
- Download the Raspberry Pi Imager for your computer's operating system (Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu).
- Install the Raspberry Pi Imager on your computer.
2. Install Raspberry Pi OS
- Insert your SD card into your computer.
- Open Raspberry Pi Imager.
- Click on "Choose OS".
- Select "Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)".
- Click on "Choose Storage" and select your SD card.
- Click "Save" to close the advanced options.
- Click "Write" to begin the installation process.
- Wait for the process to complete, then safely eject the SD card.
3. Set Up Your Raspberry Pi
- Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi.
- Connect peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse) if needed.
- Power on the Raspberry Pi and wait for it to boot.
- Follow the initial setup wizard if it appears.
4. Install FUSE
Open a terminal and run the following command to install FUSE:
sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2
5. Run the Playback App
- Download the Playback AppImage file to your Raspberry Pi from
- Ensure that the Playback AppImage file has the correct permissions to run without root access. This step is important to avoid issues with PulseAudio. To set the correct permissions, use the following command (replace "path/to/Playback.arm64.AppImage" with the actual path to your Playback AppImage file):
chmod +x path/to/Playback.arm64.AppImage
6. Run the Playback App
Now you can run the Playback app by double-clicking the AppImage!
Permission Denied Error
If you encounter the following error after running the Playback app as root:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception'
what(): Permission denied
Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. Check the permissions of the existing shared memory segment:
ls -l /dev/shm/deviceSharedMemory
2. If the file exists and is owned by root or another user, remove it:
sudo rm /dev/shm/deviceSharedMemory
3. Try running the Playback app again.
This error typically occurs when the shared memory segment is owned by root, preventing non-root users from accessing it. Removing the segment allows the app to create a new one with the correct permissions.